The dns and dns2 categories allow you to manage hosted DNS services.

Action Required Parameters Optional Parameters
dns2/zone-list None None
dns2/zone-add name, ttl None
dns2/zone-remove zone_id None
dns2/record-list zone_id None
dns2/record-add zone_id, name, data, ttl, type policy, weight, region, regiongroup, country, continent, global, latitude, longitude, aux, monitor_id, orig_record_id
dns2/record-remove zone_id, record_id None
dns/dyn-list None None
dns/dyn-add name, ip None
dns/dyn-update dyn_id, name, ip None
dns/dyn-remove dyn_id None


Add a new DNS record to a specified zone.

Required parameters:

  • zone_id - the zone ID
  • name - the domain name. For example, with a zone "", both "www" and "" equate to a record on
  • data - the record contents, e.g. '' for an A record, or '' for a CNAME or MX record
  • ttl - record time-to-live in seconds, e.g. 1800
  • type - one of 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'ALIAS', 'MX', 'NS', 'TXT', 'SPF', 'SRV'

Optional parameters:

  • aux - the priority for certain record types, like MX and SRV
  • policy - the IP-based geo-targeting policy:
    • 'none' for no geo-targeting (default)
    • 'latlong' to route to records with the closest latitude/longitude to the user's estimated location
    • 'region' for hierarchical region-based routing
  • weight - the record weight (this is used for load balancing or non-round-robin DNS failover)
  • region, regiongroup, country, continent, global - parameters for hierarchical region-based routing; see DNS for details (set global to 'no' to disable for global group).
  • latitude, longitude - latitude/longitude if policy is 'latlong'
  • monitor_id - the ID of a monitor check (see monitor/check-list); this record will be disabled if the check fails
  • orig_record_id - if set, update the existing record with this ID instead of creating a new record


  • If weight is non-zero for all records with a certain name and type, then two records will be returned, and the two will be selected by randomly sampling using the weight as a relative probability (i.e., a record with twice the weight will be twice as likely to be selected).
  • If the weight of records with the same name and type differ by more than a factor of 100, then only the higher-weight records will be returned. However, if the higher-weight records are disabled by a monitoring check, then the lower-weight records may be returned. See DNS -> Scenario 2 (failover).

Here is an example with load-balancing for an MX record. If we repeat for,, etc., and set monitor_id appropriately, then the DNS server will randomly select two records to respond to each client query (since weight is non-zero), and failed mail servers (detected by uptime monitoring check) will not be returned.

Endpoint: dns2/record-add

    "record_id": "19831",
    "success": "yes"