Based in Canada, LunaNode provides high-performance and feature-rich cloud services at affordable prices. Using state of the art technologies including OpenStack, KVM, and our own lndynamic control panel, we focus on offering reliable services with extensive features that support your needs, no matter what they may be.
Extensive cloud features
Our cloud platform features virtual machines, block storage volumes, live snapshots, floating IP addresses, a powerful API, virtual networking, startup scripts, complementary uptime monitoring, and more. Virtual machines can optionally be provisioned on our Ceph RADOS block storage cluster, providing high availability by enabling the automatic evacuation of virtual machines in the event of a hardware failure.
Professional Support Team
If you encounter any issues with our cloud server infrastructure, open a support ticket. Also contact us if you have any feedback on our control panel, or you want a feature that you find missing in our platform; we're always open to suggestions!
High-Performance Machines
With pure SSD or SSD-cached RAID10 storage and fast Intel Xeon CPUs, our cloud servers have the speed and reliability to fit your needs.
Instant Scalability
On LunaNode, you don't need to worry about purchasing too few or too many resources. All of our cloud services (including virtual machines, image and volume storage, and virtual networks) are billed hourly. Additionally, virtual machines can be easily resized up to a larger plan.